Category Archives: youtube

Visiting Mexico City

I will be visiting Mexico City March 30th-April 2nd and speaking at two events :

1. March 31st – Google Mexico –
2. April 1st, 1pm, UNAM : Auditorio Alberto Barajas Celis, Facultad de Ciencias, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad 3000 Circuito Exterior S/N, C.P. 04510 Ciudad Universitaria, Coyoacan, DF, Mexico

Looking forward to it!

South by Southwest (SXSW), Austin, TX

SXSW extravaganza starts later this week, and if you would like to catch several API presentations, including YouTube, hang out in the Leanback Lounge, register at then join us in Austin, TX on Sunday, March 13th 2011 at the Speakeasy.


1:00 – 1:30 PM – 1st Floor: Registration, greetings
1:30 – 5:00 PM – 1st Floor: API Briefings get you reacquainted you with Google’s developer products
1:30 – YouTube Leanback Lounge opens
1:45 – 5:00 PM – 3rd Floor: Office hours with Google’s engineers, developer relations, and biz dev teams
5:00 – 6:00 PM – Drink with friends! Stay and mingle with your developer community.
7:00 – close SHDH@SXSW

After the Google event, we’ll be hosting Super Happy Dev House, if you would like to join the fun, register here as well : .

User Generated Content

YouTube Direct
, the open-source user generated content submission and moderation platform, has been gaining popularity lately and we continue to find interesting deployments around the Web.
Here are a few examples : (a Brazilian musical group soliciting songs from their fans) (Good Morning America soliciting videos of people dancing to Britney Spears music) (Pequeños Gigantes) (Alberta’s next top accountant!!!) (Missouri State University’s Public Affairs video contest) (submit your security camera videos to a contest!) (Japanese game show ?)

I gotta say that Alberta’s next top accountant is my personal favorite!

Game Developers Conference Presentation

I will be co-presenting with my YouTube and Activision colleagues at this year’s Game Developers Conference in San Francisco on Feb 28th at 4:15pm at the Moscone Center. Below is the title and abstract. If you’re coming to GDC and would like to learn how one gets cool gameplay videos, such as the one in this post, from game console onto YouTube, join us!

YouTube APIs and Call of Duty Black Ops: Game Video Integration Process and Benefits
Over 35 hours of video are uploaded to YouTube every minute. One of the fastest growing categories is game play videos, generating hundreds of millions video playbacks each month. Integration of YouTube APIs in your next project will both provide a fun place for your fans to showcase their best achievements as well as give you the platform to reach out to a large gaming community on the site. In this talk, we will discuss the process of integrating YouTube video API into Call of Duty Black Ops, the biggest game of 2010.  We will describe API features geared towards engaging with the users and building more complex apps around user-generated content. We will also describe monetization and advertising strategies designed to help you market the game on and profit from the integration.
Here is the link to the session on the official GDC schedule and agenda for other cool Google GDC events.